Thursday, July 10, 2014

How the Quatum Era is Shifting The Way We View Healing

Emerging research is shifting the way we view healing.

Because much of our systems are guided by dualism, herd-mentality, and corporate interests emerging discoveries can take forever to surface and gain acceptance. BUT, what if were standard practice to teach healing processes as a part of grade school studies? What if you were 10 and learned concepts like:

A.) You are energy. The frequency you operate at is very specific. The combination of your pH+ level, the quality of your thoughts, your functionality, energy level, stress level, etc. all combine to make up your unique frequency.

B.) The era of Newtonian physics (which began in the late 1600's) would have us believe that the body is merely mechanical and that parts can be discarded or replaced. But the last eight decades of emerging quantum era science shows us that everything is interconnected at the quantum level.

C.) What this means for healing: The physical, energetic and emotional inter-workings of the body are far more intertwined than we've previously imagined. This is why a soldier can return home unharmed physically, but sustained psychological damages results in a cascade of post battle depression, PTSD symptoms, and exhausted adrenals resulting in inflammatory issues and pain.

The study of emotional injuries, psychology and neuroscience are relatively new. We barely have a centuries' worth of research and we've learned more in the last three decades than we have in the preceding seventy years due to technology. A few well proven discoveries worth noting:

1.) Socioeconomic levels correlate to intellectual capacity: Poverty can reduce your working IQ by 13 points from the various emotion burdens of not being able to participate in one's community or be able to contribute.
2.) Adult relationship capacity correlates to early childhood learned attachment style: The early childhood interaction between parent and child forms the foundation of the adult's subconscious view towards how one can depend upon and trust others. 
3.) Intrinsic motivation trumps all: People who are motivated by personal factors generally find life, work and relationships more fulfilling, hence a movement within the workplace to engage and inspire employees as a new form of increasing productivity and overall satisfaction.

All that to say, our clinic likes to look ahead at how things may shift, how doctors might collaborate in the future and how the whole person may be assessed and treated emotionally just as much as physically. We hope education can make room in health classes for the reality of facing injury and how to recover. Because unfortunately, its a steep learning curve as an adult.

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